The age of addictive social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and the likes have led to a sudden spurt of list-based sites. These websites feature interesting, fascinating, and compulsively readable, viral, share-worthy listicles or list-based articles that take the reader through a quick list of the best or worst of popularly trending topics. Social media users quickly lap up these articles, and even share them to reveal an aspect of their personality, or gain popularity. Here’s presenting a list (there, again!!) of some of the most rocking list-based sites that have taken the viral world by storm. Someday, we do hope to see Top10HQ making its way into this enviable list.



The self-explanatory website features a top 25 list of some of the most interesting, strange, and bizarre topics. Listicles like “25 Strange Smelling Fragrances You Won’t Believe Exist”, and “25 Mortally Delicious Burgers From Around the World” are sure to up your curiosity quotient. The website covers topics ranging from history to people to bizarre, and much more. You have the option of subscribing to their daily or weekly newsletter.



Pop culture addicts will love to chew on the attention-grabbing pieces here. The topics here cover almost everything culture from movies to comic books to the offbeat (10 Problems Only People Dating Someone Ultra Beautiful Will Understand). Bite on little known facts about your favorite flicks, brands or superheroes. Culture vultures, it’s all here.



Evidently titled, The Top Tens features a list of the 10 best of everything, from rock bands to nail polishes to insurance companies. The sheer variety of the lists makes this site a good place to browse through on a lazy day. Their homepage is constantly buzzing with a report of everything happening on the site from visitor comments to votes (likes).



This one’s again a good place to go to for the best in movies, books, travel, and food. They have some interesting travel-based lists such as “The Challenges 100 Places to Visit Before You Die”, and “100 Foods to Try Before You Die”. List Challenges gives you the option of creating lists from already existing sources or an original list.



This is one of the most popular list-based sites on the web, and often cited as a benchmark for any website aspiring to publish listicles. Buzzfeed’s popularity lies in its cleverly drafted articles, unique content (spanning across multiple subjects), and interesting headlines. They are known to come up with some of the most original and fascinating topics such as “Everything You Need to Know About the Newly Discovered Frog that Looks like Kermit”, and “19 Ridiculous Things You Can Get From Victoria’s Secret”.


11 points

“It’s not just lists anymore”, says their tagline. Written by Sam Greenspan, 11points comprises random lists of some of the most intriguing topics on the web. Prepare to be blown away with “11 Maths Problems that Look Simple But Are Not” or “11 People Who Claim to Have the Most Sexual Partners in History”. When it comes getting downright quirky, Sam knows how to do it best.



Listal is more like a social networking site, where users get to share content related to movies, games, books, TV shows, and more. Visitors make their own lists of movies they are currently watching or books they are reading, and share it with their friends. You can also add reviews, tags, images, videos and more, while also rating other’s lists. Simply put, it’s an interactive list-based site that allows you to do more than simply consuming innumerable lists.


ranker allows you to rate everything from movies based on Marvel Comics to the most powerful women in the world. The current rankings of the most popular topics are then published on their homepage for viewers to take a quick glance-through on the best or worst of everything.


toptenz is another popular site that lists the top 10 of everything. The topics range from quirky to informative to downright bizarre. They also have some nice video-based lists a la “Top 10 Hilarious Scam Products”. Toptenz’s variety of topics makes its loyalists come back for more.



Listverse has some of the most insightful, in-depth, well-researched and knowledgeable list-based articles on the web. There’s a lot of thought, elaborate content, and well-written copy that goes into every piece. You can find plenty of information about the most mysterious and little known topics here, along with lifestyle and entertainment pieces.

Menno, from the Netherlands, is an expert in unearthing fascinating facts and unraveling knowledge. At Top10HQ, he delves into the depths of various subjects, from science to history, bringing readers well-researched and intriguing insights.


  1. Hi,

    These all are good websites but they all are not top 10 list-oriented, some of them need to replace with the website which only deals in the top 10 lists. may be worth to shortlist here.
    It provides all the latest and interesting updates every day only in the Top 10 Lists format.
    Let’s have a look at least once, it will help your readers for sure.