Chimneys are built to draw smoke and fumes out of buildings and the practice dates back to Roman times. During the Industrial Revolution, taller chimneys were constructed for commercial buildings to deal with the higher demand in manufacturing. These days, there are towering structures built in concrete, steel and brick that service power plants the world over. Here is a list of the top 10 tallest chimneys in the world:.

Table of Contents

10. Currently, the tenth tallest chimney in the world is at Syrdarya Power Plant in Uzbekistan. Standing 350m (1148ft) tall, the 3rd chimney of this power plant was built in 1980.

9. The ninth tallest chimney can be found at Phoenix Copper Smelter in Romania. It is also the tallest structure in the country at 351.5m (1153ft) high. It was constructed in 1995.

8. In eighth position, the Endesa Power Station boasts a stack that stands 356m (1168ft) tall. Located in Spain it was built in 1974.

Endesa Power Station

7. Seventh place is reserved for the tallest chimney stack in Europe which can be found in Slovenia. The Trbovje Chimney is 360m (1181ft) high and is at the Trbojie Power Station that was built in 1976.

6. Located in West Virginia, USA the sixth tallest chimney is at Mitchell Power Plant. Measuring 367.6m (1206 ft) tall it was the tallest chimney in the world from 1968, when it was constructed, until 1972 when a taller chimney was built.

5. The Beryozovskaya Gres Stack is in Sharypovo, Russia and is the tallest free-standing structure in Russia currently. An impressive chimney of 370m (1210 ft) it was built in 1985.


4. The fourth tallest chimney in the World is Kennecott Smokestack located in Utah, USA. Standing at 370.4m (1215ft) tall it was constructed in 1974.

Kennecott Smokestac
Chirs Howcroft /

3. Third position goes to one of the chimneys at the Homer City Generating Station in the state of Pennsylvania, USA. Constructed in 1977 it is 371m (1217ft) tall.

Homer City Generating Station

2. The Inco Superstack is the second tallest chimney in the world and it is located in Ontario, Canada. It is a local landmark measuring 380.1m (1250ft) tall and was built in 1971.

1. First place in the the top 10 tallest chimneys is taken by the Gres-2 Power Station located in Ekibastuz, Kazakhstan. Its height measures 419.7m (1377ft) and it was built in 1987 using reinforced concrete. Officially, the tallest stack ever built it is known locally as the Cigarette Lighter.


Menno, from the Netherlands, is an expert in unearthing fascinating facts and unraveling knowledge. At Top10HQ, he delves into the depths of various subjects, from science to history, bringing readers well-researched and intriguing insights.

1 Comment

  1. Great list and for once, this is as accurate as I’ve seen and you posted good pics – too bad you didn’t post pics of each chimney. The photo under the Endesa Chimey isn’t correct, though. That isn’t even close. I assume you are talking about Teurel? Wrong photo. Otherwise, very cool. 🙂