The color blue in nature is rare and special, particularly because it is often associated with the sky and the sea, but rarely found in fauna. The reasons why these animals are blue vary from camouflage to attracting mates and even as a form of protection against predators. In this article, we look at ten remarkable blue animals, each with their unique characteristics and the intriguing reasons behind their vibrant colors.

Blue Pitta

blue pit pit

The blue pitta, a small but striking bird, shines in the sun with its vibrant blue plumage. This color serves not only as camouflage among the blue skies and waters but also plays a crucial role in mating rituals, where the most brightly colored males are preferred by the females.

Glaucus atlanticus (Sea Slug)


Glaucus atlanticus, better known by the epic name “The blue dragon,” is a small sea slug that blends into the water surface with its blue color. This camouflage helps protect it from predators from above, while the silvery underside camouflages it against predators from below.

Blue Lobster (Procambarus alleni)

blue lobster

The blue lobster is a rare sight, with a chance of 1 in 2 million among its peers. Their unique color comes from a genetic anomaly that results in the production of an abundance of blue pigment. Despite their striking color, they are just as healthy as their brown counterparts.

Morpho (Butterfly)


The Morpho butterfly has beautiful iridescent blue wings. This butterfly uses this color not only for aesthetic purposes but also as a defense mechanism. The dazzling wings can disorient predators, while the underside of the wings helps with camouflage.

Blue Poison Dart Frog

blue frog

With its vibrant blue color, the blue poison dart frog warns potential predators of its toxicity. This aposematic coloring, where bright colors signal danger, is an effective strategy to survive in the wild.

Blue Starfish (Linckia laevigata)

blue seastar

The blue starfish uses its color to blend into the colorful coral reefs where it lives. This camouflage not only helps it survive by warding off predators but also plays a role in its hunting behavior.

Bielzia coerulans (Slug)


This blue slug, unique to certain mountainous regions, has a striking blue color that helps in thermoregulation. Their color allows them to better absorb sunlight, which is crucial in colder habitats.



The Achoerodus, also known as the blue wrasse, uses its color for both camouflage and social signals. Their vibrant color helps them stand out during the mating season and serves as an indicator of their health and strength.

Hyacinth Macaw


The hyacinth macaw is one of the largest species of parrots. They also use their blue feathers to communicate within the species and to attract partners during the breeding season.

Blue Jay

blue bird

The blue jay, known for its noisy nature and beautiful blue plumage, uses its color for social interactions and as a form of camouflage against the blue sky and leaves, making it less visible to predators.

Menno, from the Netherlands, is an expert in unearthing fascinating facts and unraveling knowledge. At Top10HQ, he delves into the depths of various subjects, from science to history, bringing readers well-researched and intriguing insights.

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