The Statue of Liberty in New York, located on an island, is world-famous. The 46-meter-high statue symbolizes freedom, one of the most important values of the United States. The statue, which stands a total of 93 meters high including the pedestal, welcomes everyone arriving in New York. It stands there for Americans, immigrants, and tourists, in other words, for everyone. That is the Statue of Liberty in short. Want to know more about this world-famous statue? Read on.

10. The statue represents the Roman Goddess Libertas


The Statue of Liberty is a gift from France to the United States. It was given in honor of the Declaration of Independence and as a sign of friendship. On the plaque in the left hand, it says ‘JULY IV MDCCLXXVI’, meaning July 4, 1776, the date of the Declaration of Independence. Auguste Bartholdi designed the Statue of Liberty. It is a representation of the Roman goddess Libertas. Her power to liberate is symbolized by the unchained shackles at her feet. The seven points of the crown symbolize the seven continents and seas.

9. The original name of the Statue of Liberty is ‘Liberty Enlightening the World’


The first, original name of the Statue of Liberty is ‘Liberty Enlightening the World’ (in Dutch, ‘Vrijheid, die de wereld verlicht’). This is the name that the designer, Auguste Bartholdi, had in mind. You can directly translate this name into French. The current name of the Statue of Liberty was given because it is easier to pronounce in English.

8. The statue was built by the same architect who designed the Eiffel Tower


When the first architect of the Statue of Liberty (Viollet-le-Duc) passed away, the project was taken over by Gustave Eiffel, an innovative designer and builder. Gustave is also the engineer of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. The design of the Statue of Liberty consists of four iron columns supporting a metal framework. Over this is a copper skin that is only 2.5 centimeters thick.

7. The construction of the statue was partly funded through a sponsorship campaign


The construction of the Statue of Liberty was funded by both the French and the Americans. In 1885, it became apparent that there was not enough money for the further construction of the statue. Through a sponsorship campaign, the project could still be funded. There were 120,000 donors who each gave one dollar or less. In total, there was a sum of 100,000 dollars raised in a period of six months. This way, the construction of the Statue of Liberty could still continue.

6. The statue was built in France and transported in 350 pieces to New York

build in france

In 1884, the 350 pieces of the Statue of Liberty were completed in France. After a journey across the Atlantic Ocean on the French ship Isere, the statue arrived in the harbor of New York in June 1885. The pieces of the statue were spread over 214 crates. When the pedestal for the Statue of Liberty was ready in April 1886, the 350 pieces could be assembled. This took 4 months, and it was inaugurated on October 28, 1886.

5. The statue was copper-colored until 1900

The current color of the Statue of Liberty is not the original color. Originally, the statue had a shiny copper color. Over time, the copper changed to a greenish-blue tint due to the oxidation of the metal. The American government wanted to replace the copper with another metal, as it serves as a protective layer against further deterioration. However, the public protested against painting the statue on the outside. Therefore, the statue was only painted on the inside.

4. During World War I, the arm of the statue was bombed

wo I statue

German saboteurs caused a catastrophic explosion during World War I. This happened on what was then Black Tom Peninsula (now Liberty State Park). Explosives and dynamite were sent to the French and British; the explosion caused seven deaths. The right arm of the Statue of Liberty, the one with the torch, sustained minor damage. As a result, the statue had to be repaired and was closed for ten days.

3. During World War II, the statue was not illuminated

wo ii

The Statue of Liberty was not illuminated during World War II due to blackout rules (to prevent direct attacks). But the statue remained open to the public. Only on December 31, 1943 (New Year’s Eve) was a modest light spread by the statue. And on June 6, 1944, a Morse code message of victory was sent via the light of the statue. After that, between 1944 and 1945, the statue was illuminated a few hours after sunset. And since 1957, the Statue of Liberty has been illuminated all night.

2. Until 2012, the caretaker of the Statue of Liberty lived on the island

island in 1. There are hundreds of replicas of the statue


All over the world, there are imitations of the Statue of Liberty. Atop the Liberty National Bank in New York, there are two statues over 9 meters tall. In San Marcos, California, there is one 3.4 meters tall with a Bible in hand (instead of a plaque). In Memphis, Tennessee, there is a 7.6-meter replica meant for Christians, with a cross in hand (instead of a torch). In Heide Park in Soltau, Germany, there is a ‘Statue of Liberty’ that is 35 meters tall. And in Paris, there has been one since 1889. That was three years after the real Statue of Liberty was placed in New York. The replica of the Statue of Liberty in Ukraine is not standing, but sitting. Other replicas are located in England, Norway, Argentina, Australia, Kosovo, Israel, China, Taiwan, and Japan. And of course, in Las Vegas!

Menno, from the Netherlands, is an expert in unearthing fascinating facts and unraveling knowledge. At Top10HQ, he delves into the depths of various subjects, from science to history, bringing readers well-researched and intriguing insights.

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